
Monday, December 30, 2019

Paintings Produced in early 2019

In early 2019, I decided to go back to Dunedin, New Zealand and try to be productive and active and find ways I could exhibit my artworks in any way possible (mostly at Otago Art Society, because you could submit any works as long, they 're not "too bad"). Unlike in 2018, I was really resting and taking my time.

Near end of 2018, I bought a new camera that comes with a flip screen so I could take high-quality selfie... for artwork purpose.

Enough blabbing, here is a small I series I made with my adornment for dried Scottish Thistle. These spiky plants have puffy, fluffy seeds that flies everywhere like a fairy in late summer. A little bit like dandelion but not really. At least I used to think they are always similar.

A Beautiful Mess
Watercolor on Paper
-This is a work inspired by Jason Mraz's song A Beautiful Mess

Haze in Gaze
Watercolor on Paper
 48.5 cm x 34 cm 

Through the Thorns
Watercolor on Paper 
43 cm x 34 cm 

Soon afterwards I became occupied between my job, creating comics and internship at Natural History of New Zealand(NHNZ for short). Painted a work for a competition and I've doodled a lot more during that period and have also went thru some changes in life, which I managed myself an Art Tutor position in Auckland. I have to pack my baggage and leave Dunedin near August. However- after two weeks at the new job I decided the place is not for me regardless all the hope I used to have. Then drifting for months as I pick up another temporary job- quit again as this new year is coming through. Nevertheless, the struggling and hardship I have faced this year, I'm looking forward into 2020, looking forward to having a peaceful time in my-to-have-studio and create paintings I've longed to.

Thanks 2019 See you soon 2020.

Monday, September 2, 2019

Surroundings---My Master studies

Hi Guys I know I haven't got around to update for a really long time...Please take some time to learn more what I have been working when I was doing my Master study! Overall I'm highly satisfied with this project and has continue making plans for it.

From 2017 to early 2018, I started my Master studies at Otago Polytechnic in Visual Arts. The course is similar to Honors, you are required to do a year long project. As usual, my inspirations comes from my interest of reading. I was heavily inspired by the famous Japanese author Haruki Murakami. Murakami is well known but I never got around to read his book until a friend recommends and I decided to pick up his famous 'Norwegian Woods'. There, I got hook on instantly by his magical writings and decided to make a marathon on his works. What I read include:
  • Norwegian Woods
  • Hard Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World
  • Sputnik Sweetheart
  • Kafka on the Shore ( I love Kafka's writing too if you don't know :)
  • Dance, Dance, Dance
  • Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pilgrimage
If I had to rank, my favorites are Norwegian Woods +
Hard Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World + Dance, Dance, Dance

Other than the surrealism writing style, what I adore most is Murakami's perspective of describing life in terms of mundaness.

For instance in Hard Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World, when the protagonist's door was kicked open, life threatened , the character's focus were on the broken door instead of his life. Also, asking questions like do you wear your earring when you shower? They may look like they make no contribution to the main story line, however the humorous breath brings an intricate relationship with the readers.

Several elements that makes me attached to his works are solitude, loneliness and the act of examining surroundings in depth. Which it resonates with my solitary life in New Zealand. So I decided to take on Murakami's inspiring works and re-observe my surroundings, people and life moments.

Studio Works, Thought and progress
Like many artists, I take photograph reference for my paintings.  I used to have people pose for me when taking photos. But I decided to not do so for this project because I wanted to capture life the way they are.

Many of the works done in this project are small in sizes. Bearing the idea of flatting, in a temporary living space; therefore comes the idea of easy carrying size.

The project's comes in a few section: Zeta the flat, people who I approach with personal interest and attraction and people I already knew (including myself)

Zeta the Flat 

(All photos are taken in this particular flat that I visited countless time)
Adrian and Ian 
Oil on Canvas
23 cm x 27 cm 

Adrian, Ian and Anson (from left to right) 
Oil on Canvas 
36 in x 55 in

N.G. Chilling 
Oil on Canvas 
41 cm x 35 cm 

Sleeping Anson
Oil on Canvas
21 cm x 37 cm

Oil on Canvas
51 cm x 36 cm
-I sold a few postcards for this work which I found it interesting

Corridor and Open Doors
Oil on Canvas
52 cm x 29 cm

-Even if you decided not to be sociable with the people you lived together, but you can't avoid seeing them in the open space like the corridors

 The Familiarity 

Dining at Fiona’s 
 Oil on Canvas 
35 in x 55 in 

Fatty is Sleeping
Oil on Canvas
22.5 cm x 12.5 cm

(from left: Evelyn, Isabelle, Yong Wei, Valerie)
photo courtesy: Kong Xing Jun
Oil on Canvas
37 in x 54 in

 Other Interest

Jia Hui 
Oil on Canvas 
18 cm x 22 cm 
-One of my most voted works, I won painting runner up with this small painting at the Otago University Art week Exhibition 2017

Watercolour Portrait of Jia Hui 
Watercolour on Paper 
18 cm x 14 cm 

Lik De in Kitchen 
 Oil on Canvas 
38 cm x 53 cm

Yao Lik and Lik De
Oil on Canvas
60 cm x 39 cm

Oil on Canvas
35 cm x 46 cm

If you are interested to read my full essay I wrote for my project Surroundings , you can download from here :)