
Friday, October 23, 2015

Her Wonderland

THE EPIC ART COMPETITION------UOB, Painting of the Year... is definitely one of the biggest deal probably because they are giving USD as prizes, haha.

I participated once when I was still a student, the painting I competed with is not very complete, but it's one of my favorites ( and is still hanging in my bed room now)

It's sort of creepy but I really love it lol

This time was my second attempt but I guess it's still long way to go if I really going to get the award


Anyway, it's my first attempt of combining oil and collage together ( have been craving to do this for a really long time since I was into collage) I never expect how the outcome would be and should I be filling the whole canvas with papers...I don't really know (because my student ask me, which i think it's a very good question :] ) Just felt like doing it, that's all. (probably I have got used to fill up every corner with things I had)

The polka dots and the way of painting I did for this was slightly different from how I used to paint, simply because I wanted to try bringing out something ,different. (it's too abstract for me to describe clearly)  I don't know is this the right thing to do or not, even if it's a failure, at least I have learn to do better in the future. Some of the collage part wasn't done very well, however having done such a 'bigger' work than my last it has surely taken me to another level, perhaps.

Her Wonderland
119cm x 86cm
Oil and Collage on Canvas

close up video 

Some description about the artwork:

Imagination often conflict with our lives, daydream happens as we strive through reality. An individual tends to have his own ideal world, which could be enriched with blissful moment and leading a peaceful life. A fulfilled life is built with scattered pieces of what we went through, hence building our very own Wonderland, a secret place of one’s imagination.
The figure is painted in back view, as she sets into her Wonderland, a mixture of emotion and ecstasy; a feeling that is hard to describe and show. While the background finishes off with colorful collage to depict a place that co-exists with reality but unseen. Abstract it may be, still, it is up to us to define something, their existence, meanings or feelings. 

Saturday, September 19, 2015

My Sketchbook//我的速写簿

(My sketchbook that was drained in water accidentally when I wash my bag...)







朋友Zen,去新加坡找她时画的,超喜欢这张 :)))


Wednesday, August 26, 2015


虽然之前当这些小画“新鲜出炉”的时候有在面书发过但其实底下还有很多未整理的小地方没完整处理(故事), 因为我很懒哈哈!

最近在Publika 参了展后有点空闲,除了在准备参加UOB年度绘画比赛,一会新奇跑去搞刺绣又玩needle felting (不过我挺有心得的哦!在想既然对air dry clay有点手残,可以考虑以后要是想做sculpture 就用这材料好了~有做的话一定会在这里更新!**提前是有的话哈哈**)

有任何想法意见都欢迎留言哦~ <3

**为了不用大家费心按大才能读所以我就直接放original size =v=" ** 虽然感觉有点碍眼

*screenshot from here*










感谢有这缘分与机会,给我不少回忆+感触+灵感,也为为此作了一系列作品 :)


Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Platform II Exhibition

After doing bunch of collage for Pop Up Show during April the next exhibition I had to prepare was Platform II by Chandan Gallery. Although during the meeting the organizer it seem like they were hoping I could do collage work for this exhibition because they wanted to create an exhibition of all sorts of medium and presentation. Since I have already plan what I'm gonna do for my next work, with the most typical medium ---Oil Painting, I just keep on doing it anyway, continuing from the work "Loop" which I did around this time of last year.
Appreciate this chance very much ;)

A Quaintness Romp
Oil on Canvas
130cm x 86cm

In Rove(diptych)
Oil on Canvas
40cm x 120cm each

This series comes by inspired from the poem before the story starts ( Alice in Wonderland).

Some of the verse:

All in the golden afternoon//Its quaint events were hammered out—//"There will be nonsense in it!"—...and much more, a very imaginative poem for me, imagining how the whole story starts from this!


I'm not particularly good in literature but I'm a big fans of classical stories and writings. To title my artwork well I would go through dictionary to look for the word according to my taste.

I'm not sure how this goes correctly, but when lining up 3 artworks together it would be:

"Loop A Quaintness Romp In Rove"
...which certainly sound like a verse to me...haha :D

I personally love Loop the most... but they would be more perfect if they were align together 
(I think heheh)


Sunday, April 19, 2015

Pop Up Show-Artworks

Every artist that participate in this exhibition have to submit a total of 20 artworks.

Mine mainly consist of collage and other media.

Under the Night Skies, Pulau Ketam Series:

First batch of Collage Works made (total 4 pcs),
During the Pulau Ketam International Art Festival (See OctoberPost), there are many lovely memories that I simply can't forget. Which of course include the feelings that the place gave me :)

Beside the sea wind, I love the breeze that brush through my face in the night...
Small stories of the artworks:

The Night Sea: In a boat, in the night; the sea looks mysterious and scary to me, but I love the serenity                           of the surrounding.

A Rain's Charm: It was raining almost every day during the festival.

Sunsets: Memories of waiting for the dusk to come just to see my bridge to glow...
               (IT'S FLUORESCENT!!)

Kite Flying: When I was at the Lover's Bridge I saw about 3 or more kites flying very very high.                              Later, I heard that it was flew by an old fisherman who lost half of his one arm.
                     (It's REALLY HIGH)

In the Sea's Cradle: Memories of experience how it's like going to fish in the sea with the fisherman.
                  ( However the truth is I had probably slept 8 hours out of 12 hours in the fisherman's boat.)

Farewell & Far Away: Trying to depict the feeling of a kind friend of mine who is (secret).

Lantern Walk: The festival was held around the time of Mooncake Festival, so there was this epic                                 walk with the villagers (and of course a bunch of kids!) Very much enjoyed.

The Night Sea
 15cm x 12cm 
Collage on Paper

Lover's Bridge
 15cm x 12cm 
Collage on Paper

A Rain's Charm
 15cm x 12cm 
Collage on Paper

Sun Sets
15cm x 12cm 
Collage on Paper

In The Sea's Cradle
25cm x 21cm
Collage on Paper

Lantern Walk
25cm x 21cm
Collage on Paper

Where the stare lies
25cm x 21cm
Collage on Paper

Kite Flying
21cm x 25cm
Collage on Paper

21cm x 25cm
Collage on Paper

Young Boys
21cm x 25cm
Collage on Paper

Far Away
32cm x 36cm
Collage on Paper

32cm x 36cm
Collage on Paper

32cm x 36cm
Collage on Paper

Balloons and Ferris Wheel
32cm x 36cm
Collage on Paper

Endless Night
70cm x 50cm
Collage on Paper

The Lantern Walk
36cm x 32cm
Oil on Canvas

Silent Night
50cm x 70cm
Oil on Canvas


And, ...some other sort of works. 

25cm x 21cm
Watercolor on paper

Withered II
25cm x 21cm
Watercolor on paper

Asleep (小白)
70cm x 50cm
Charcoal on watercolor paper


Alsoooooo, some artworks that didn't meet my expectation... and left sobbing in the corner. But I'm just gonna show the photo of before they turn worse.

Well, that's pretty much of them.
Much appreciate to my those who help me collect fashion magazines, which the pretty outfits are the main material used for the collage. Thanks a lot to my family for giving me their comments in the setting of my artworks and of course, to those little kids and dear colleague that help me cutting out the dresses from magazines :DDD

Pressure + Excitement + Happiness